Bill Mccullough – Hochzeitsfotograph

  • In der Photonews 05/2010 war ein Artikel über ihn:

    Was mich an seinen Bildern fasziniert:

    1. Die Position des Blitzlichts zur Kamera.
    2. Der Weißabgleich und die Farben.
    3. Sein Repertoire an abrufbaren Bildern.
    4. Die Beweglichkeit.
    5. Die Fähigkeit gleichzeitig zu sehen.

    Ich denke:
    1. Entfesselter Blitz mit Blitzträger (?)
    2. Zoom 16-35 mit Vollformatkamera?
    3. Trainierter und erfahrener Fotograph, der aus seiner Arbeit schöpfen kann.
    4. Ach ich würde auch gern mal wieder auf einer Hochzeit fotographieren.
    5. Practise makes you perfect, die Fähigkeit gute Bilder zu verinnerlichen und das Gefühl für Licht, Farben und die Sinnhaftigkeit. Ein sinnlicher Mensch zu sein...

    Letztlich sind das tolle Bilder, weil sie uns Anteil nehmen lassen an der amerikanischen Art Hochzeiten zu feiern. Unsere Bilder müssten aber vermutlich anders aussehen.

  • Noch ein Gedanke:

    Auf diesen Bildern schaut niemand den Fotographen fragend/skeptisch an.
    Der Junge erscheint aus dem Nichts und macht sein Bild.
    Das ist eindeutig Meisterklasse!

  • hello gerano and all the forum members.

    greetings from austin, texas and thank you for your messages and interest in my work. i want to help and answer some questions... i am sorry i do not speak german so i hope your computer or someone can translate for me.

    for me, a wedding is not just a "wedding" but just life as it really is. my approach is to allow everything to happen naturally, in front of the lens, without direction or interference from me. there will be a few family photographs, but this is kept to a minimum.

    yes, i do move quickly before the idea, scene, or composition has vanished. i am embracing subject movement as well as a constantly changing light for an extra dimension... another ball to juggle. i want to mix the theater or pageant quality of a wedding but allow things to be pure and not orchestrated... this is always more interesting to me personally.

    i use a fixed 35mm lens for most of my work. that is it.

    i will have new work on my website that is updated often.

    thank you all again and i hope to come to germany some day.

    your friend,


  • hi bill!
    this is great, that you're writing in our forum :]
    we like your pictures very much...
    and there are some thoughts and questions about your work:

    1. does your wife or someone else holds the flash? looks like lightning is from different positions.
    2. the automatic white balance on digital cameras is not very good under artificial light conditions. so- do you have to do a lot of prework after your shootings?
    3. to us your style of photos is a very american art. to us the photos of a german marriage or a european family party would look something different. to me this is very interesting, because I wonder, how the difference could be.

    oh I'm sad, that my english isn't better.
    but your work brings american family spirit to us.
    and that is great.
    your friend,
